Orthodontic Fees | 0% Interest Payment Plan | Newbury Dentist

Orthodontic Consultation and Treatment Fees

At Newbury Orthodontic Centre, we understand that orthodontic treatment is an investment both in time and money. We believe that creating a beautiful new smile should be affordable and to help budget for treatment, we offer affordable, flexible treatment payments plans including a monthly payment option (0% interest).

Orthodontic Consultation

Consultation Fee
Full clinical consultation1
Adult £99
Child £75
Full clinical records2 £250

1. “Full clinical consultation” with the Specialist Orthodontist to discuss the full range of orthodontic treatment options available.

2. “Full clinical records” with the Orthodontic Therapist which involves the taking of radiographs (X-rays), a digital scan of the teeth and full clinical photographs. Following this, a comprehensive clinical report and final treatment plan is confirmed by the orthodontist and sent to the patient.

Treatment Fees

As every patient’s orthodontic needs are different, the cost of treatment varies and normally depends on the complexity of the treatment needed and the type of orthodontic appliance chosen. Our typical fees are shown as follows:

Treatment Fee* Typical monthly fee
Adult £1650 – £4850 £140 – £200
Child £1385 – £3920 £100 – £170
INVISALIGN £1950 – £4650 £133 – £170
Adult £3850 – £8500 £170 – £311
Child £3500 – £7500 £153 – £285

* All treatment costs are inclusive of the fitting of the braces/Invisalign, all follow-up appointments or virtual monitoring, retainers and 12 months supervision after treatment is completed.

Other Fees

NHS Replacement Removable Retainer 24/25 £95.68
Private Replacement Removable Retainer £125.00
Repairs from £70
Custom Mouthguard from £70

How Can We Help You?

Please get in touch using this form if you wish to make an appointment, ask about a particular service or require a call back during office hours.