Surgical Orthodontics Newbury | Newbury Orthodontic Centre
surgical orthodontics

Surgical Orthodontics

The principal aim of orthodontic treatment is realignment of the teeth and correction of the bite to improve the appearance and function of the teeth in so creating a beautiful new smile within a ‘well-balanced’ face. These treatment aims are achievable and predictable if the supporting tissues of the face, such as the upper and lower jaws, are positioned closely enough to each other in three dimensions.

What is Orthognathic ( jaw) surgery?

  • Is a specialist branch of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and is usually carried out with orthodontic treatment (normally with fixed braces) as part of a combined treatment approach.
  • It involves the modification of the jaws in order to change their alignment and position to improve both the function and appearance of the face, teeth, bite and sometimes airway (how you breathe).

would I need jaw surgery?

  • For a small number of patients, the upper and lower jaws are too disproportionate in size and in an unfavourable position relative to each other to provide the best treatment outcome.
  • These patients are also normally concerned with their facial appearance and comment on things such as “my jaw is too long” or “my chin is too far back”. An orthodontic approach with braces only will correct the alignment of the teeth but the bite and facial appearance will remain uncorrected and, in some cases, the bite can be left compromised with poor function.
  • Orthodontic treatment combined with jaw surgery will ultimately lead to the best outcome.

When is it carried out?

  • This combined orthodontic/surgical treatment is normallycarrtied out once the patient has stopped growing and is facially mature.
  • Normally for males, this would be a minimum of 18 years of age and for females, a minimum of 16 years of age.

What can we offer?

  • Mrs Campbell was up-to recently an NHS Consultant in Orthodontics at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. She is vastly experienced in this line of work and works closely with her surgical colleagues to deliver truly life-changing results. She is able to offer this service privately to those patients who have the most challenging, complex dento-facial issues.

For more information on this type of treatment, please see Your Jaw Surgery which has been compiled by the British Orthodontic Society.

How Can We Help You?

Please get in touch using this form if you wish to make an appointment, ask about a particular service or require a call back during office hours.